bone grafting

smiling seniorWhen patients are approved for prosthodontic work with dental implants, they can look forward to many advantages over other treatment options. A dental implant provides stability for a replacement tooth that mimics the support our natural teeth receive from their roots. When you bite and chew, the implant stimulates the jawbone and keeps it healthy, and its location and position will actually help stabilize neighboring teeth. Unfortunately, not everyone can move straight into plans to receive a dental implant. One concern is that jawbone deterioration after tooth loss has already occurred to the point where the placement process will be difficult. In this situation, our Charlottesville, VA clinic can help you proceed with plans to restore your full smile by providing a bone grafting procedure!

Dental implants make excellent replacement teeth.  Dental implants and their restorations can function, look, and feel like biological teeth. Since implants draw on bone for support, patients must have adequate bone mass in their jaws to support their prosthetics. Those with sparse bone may need...

Has your oral surgeon recommended that you receive a bone graft? Bone grafting is a procedure that improves the structure of the jaws and increases the likelihood of a dental implant’s success. This procedure can assist with maintaining healthy bone mass in the jaws after...

Bone grafting treatments commonly precede the placement of dental implants but grafts are not always necessary. While bone grafting is common, some patients’ dental implants will stabilize without extra tissue. On the other hand, bone grafting can increase the likelihood of a dental implant’s success...